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Gameway is the mobile gaming experience of the future.

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Last Funding Type
Non-Equity Assistant
Artificial Intelligence,Augmented Reality,Big Data,Casual Games,Gaming,Machine Learning,Mobile Apps,Online Games,Video Games,Virtual Reality
Founded date
Feb 23, 2016
Number Of Employee
1 - 10
Operating Status

Founded in 2016, Gameway is set to revolutionise and unite the fragmented world of mobile gaming.

Gameway empowers users to enjoy discovering the best games on their phone through simplifying the way mobile gaming content is presented to them. Additionally Gameway is set to provide game developers with new tools to enhance their work and increase engagement with fans across the globe.

Our Challenge:
Mobile gaming is growing at a phenomenal rate with over 1000 games released per week across Google’s Play Store and Apple’s App Store.

There are 3.4 million apps and games currently available on the Play Store store alone. With so much choice, it’s no wonder it takes users between 15-60 minutes to manually find a game they may be interested in.

Even when a user does find a game, 72% are uninstalled after being played just twice. By using an app store, users see less than 1% of the games available to them, the majority of these from the large studios with bigger marketing budgets.

Why Now:
Another 1 billion people are expected to gain access to the internet in the next 3 years through mobile. Growing up truly mobile-first they’ll discover all their entertainment, including games via their phones.

Mobile gaming has reached the point of max-saturation, the app stores are overfilled and advertising is pulling customers in every direction to download games.

The recent growth of Artificial Intelligence algorithms, combined with the mass scaling and low cost architectures provided by Amazon and Google, now allow for extremely personalised experiences, distributed across mobile phones around the world in any language.

Funding Rounds

Number of Funding Rounds
Total Funding Amount
Gameway has raised a total of — in funding over 2 rounds. Their latest funding was raised on Apr 1, 2017 from a Non-Equity Assistant round.
Announced Date Round Money Raised Number of Investors Lead Investors Post Valuation
Apr 1, 2017 Non-Equity Assistant 1 Detail


Number of Lead Investors
Number of Investors
Gameway is funded by 1 investors. Startup Sesame are the most recent investors.
Investor Name Lead Investor Funding Round
Startup Sesame Non-Equity Assistant