Margret Assfalg



Margret Assfalg has a strong background in statistical thermodynamics. She has spent more than 25 years in research informatics functions at Roche in Basel (Switzerland), Palo Alto (on the United States West Coast), Nutley (on the United States East Coast) and Penzberg (Bavaria, Germany). She leads local and global areas and projects delivering chemistry and biology information systems spanning lab workflow applications as well as data management and knowledge systems throughout Roche’s Research and Early Development departments, which contain more than 1,000 scientists. Examples of major initiatives led and delivered are the global chemistry system (IRCI); the global biological systems (BDS); Therapeutic Proteins systems; and electronic notebook initiatives for chemistry, biology, process chemistry and formulation.


Number of Current Jobs
Margret Assfalg has 1 current jobs including Global Head of Research Informatics and Discovery Workflows at Roche , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Roche Global Head of Research Informatics and Discovery Workflows Oct 1, 2008 Detail