Mike Ruangutai



Mike heads up engineering where his team is responsible for all things coded, compiled, source controlled, and deployed to Kareo’s platform. In short, he is a software geek and loves it.

In prior lives he held engineering positions in a variety of industries including the automotive, hospitality, and the far reaches of space at Jet Propulsion Laboratories. Most recently, he was the Technical Director for GameSpy Technology, a division IGN Entertainment, where he managed teams in San Francisco and sunny Orange County that developed and managed connected gaming technologies for millions of gamers worldwide. He is a consummate technologist and has spoken at different conferences on software and architecture.


Number of Current Jobs
Mike Ruangutai has 1 current jobs including Chief Technology Officer at Bambee , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Bambee Chief Technology Officer May 1, 2020 Detail