Oskar Bruening



Oskar Bruening is Co-founder & CTO of Peek.com. He loves travel and exploring cultures and their histories. He knows 6 languages, amongst them ancient Greek and Korean.

Oskar got his engineering start at the age of 14, leading to a B.Sc. and a M.Eng. from MIT in EE/CS. He was the director of engineering and founding employee at ccLoop/Pipewise and built serious software at VMware and Vontu/Symantec. On the side he is deeply passionate about art and design, thanks to growing up in an artist's family and a second education at the San Francisco Studio School.


Number of Current Jobs
Oskar Bruening has 1 current jobs including CTO & Co-founder at Peek , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Peek CTO & Co-founder Dec 1, 2011 Detail