Руководство по выживанию в криптовалюте: от «слепого шаттла» до «меньшего количества ошибок»

Tara Zedayko



Tara, a scientist-turned-general-manager with over 14-years of cross-functional healthcare experience at Johnson & Johnson, co-founded DIG labs in 2019 when she decided to dedicate the next chapter of her life to closing the gaps between human and pet healthcare. She holds a B.S. in Materials Science & Biomedical Engineering from Cornell University and an MBA from NYU Stern. Tara is also a registered patent agent. She holds six patents spanning from biomedical nanotechnology to consumer products. Tara lives in New Jersey with her husband, son, and two fur babies, Sam and Juney.


Number of Current Jobs
Tara Zedayko has 1 current jobs including Co-Founder and CEO at DIG Labs , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
DIG Labs Co-Founder and CEO Jun 15, 2019 Detail