John Bell



John Bell, MA, DM, FRCP is Founder of Oxagen Limited. Bell co-founded Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics at the University of Oxford. He serves as Development Advisory Board Chairman of Oxagen Limited. He serves as Deputy Chairman and Director of Oxagen Limited.

He serves as a Director of Isis Innovation Limited. He serves as a Main Board Member of Roche AG. He serves as a Trustee of The Rhodes Trust. He serves as a Member of Scientific Advisory Board of Protemix Corporation Limited and AstraZeneca.

He serves as Member of Partnership board at Oxford comprehensive Biomedical Research Centre. He served as a Non-Executive Director of Powderject Pharmaceuticals PLC since September 1993.

Bell is a Member of Council of the University of Oxford and a Member of Council for the Medical Research Council.He is President of the Academy of Medical Sciences and Regius Professor of Medicine at Oxford University since 2002, where he directs the largest biomedical research department in the UK.

He has particular scientific interests in the genetics of immunologically mediated diseases, specifically rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease and autoimmune thyroid disease.

At Stanford, Bell developed research interests in the area of immunology and genetics with a particular focus on characterising the molecular events associated with susceptibility to autoimmune diseases.

He returned to Oxford as a Wellcome Trust Senior Clinical Fellow in 1987 and was elected to the Nuffield Professorship of Clinical Medicine in Oxford in 1992. In 2008, he was made a Fellow of the Royal Society and was made a Knight Bachelor for his services to Medical Science.

He was appointed by the Chancellor of the Exchequer in 2006 to Chair the Office for the Strategic Coordination of Health Research (OSCHR), the body responsible to co-ordinate the research functions of the NIHR and the MRC.

Bell serves as a Director of Genentech Inc. He has been a Director of Roche Holding AG since 2001.

He went to Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar to train in medicine and undertook postgraduate training in London and at Stanford University.


Number of Current Jobs
John Bell has 2 current jobs including Member of the Board of Directors at Roche , Non-Executive Director at Immunocore and .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Roche Member of the Board of Directors Jan 1, 2001 Detail
Immunocore Non-Executive Director Detail