Justin Kaufenberg

Investment Partner


Investor Type
Investment Partner
Investor Stage
Early stage Venture,Seed,Venture

Justin has more than 20 years of software operating experience, including deep expertise in SaaS, SaaS+, Vertical SaaS, payments, embedded finance and network effect businesses.

Justin was a Rally Technology Partner beginning in 2015 and joined Rally Ventures as General Partner in October 2019. Prior to joining Rally, Justin was CEO and cofounder of SportsEngine, one of Rally’s early portfolio companies. SportsEngine defined the SRM (Sport Relationship Management) market and under Justin’s lead, grew to provide its CRM, Payments and Embedded Finance platform to more than 45,000 paying customers, more than 35 million monthly unique platform users and more than $100 million ARR, while growing to more than 500 full-time employees.

The company was acquired by Comcast / NBCUniversal in 2016 and continues to operate as the amateur sports division of NBC Sports. Prior to SportsEngine, Justin was the cofounder of Third North Creative which developed early CMS and E-Commerce technologies for corporations.

Justin currently serves on the boards of Anyroad, Bbot, JustiFi, Kaleidoscope, Kyros, Order, Total Expert, Yardstik and Zingtree. He is an observer at Epoch, ManageXR, Parallax and RentSpree. Justin received his BA in Economics from the University of Wisconsin-EauClaire.


Number of Current Jobs
Justin Kaufenberg has 1 current jobs including Board Member at Order , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Order Board Member Dec 1, 2019 Detail