


Moovit is Mobility as a Service (MaaS) provider and #1 public transit app.


Last Funding Type
Series B
Last Funding Money Raised
Internet,Navigation,Public Transportation,Ride Sharing,Software,Transportation
Founded date
Feb 1, 2012
Number Of Employee
101 - 250
Operating Status
Legal Name
Moovit App Global Ltd.
Also Known As
TranzMate,Moovit App Global Ltd.

Moovit is a Mobility as a Service (MaaS) provider and the world’s #1 transit app. Moovit simplifies your urban mobility in +2700 cities all around the world, making getting around town via mass transit easier and more convenient. Moovit has more than 300 million users, and was named Best Local App of 2016 by Google and Best of 2017 app by Apple.

By combining information from public transit operators and authorities with live information from the user community, Moovit offers travelers a real-time picture, including the best route for their journey. The Moovit community sends active reports about their travel experience, such as bus congestion levels, cleanliness, and more to help others have a better travel experience.

Moovit generates up to four billion anonymous data points a day that comprise the world's largest repository of transit data. The Big Data gathering is aided by Moovit’s network of more than 500,000 local editors, called “Mooviters”, who help map out and maintain local transit information in cities that would otherwise be unserved.

Moovit is available for free on iOS, Android & Web in over 2,700 cities, across 86 countries worldwide, and can be used in 44 languages.

Funding Rounds

Number of Funding Rounds
Total Funding Amount
Moovit has raised a total of $131.50M in funding over 2 rounds. Their latest funding was raised on Feb 21, 2018 from a Series D round.
Announced Date Round Money Raised Number of Investors Lead Investors Post Valuation
Feb 21, 2018 Series D $50M 11 Intel Capital Detail
Nov 3, 2015 Series Unknown 1 Sound Ventures Detail
Jan 14, 2015 Series C $50M 12 NGP Capital Detail
Dec 18, 2013 Series B $28M 3 Sequoia Capital Detail
Apr 1, 2012 Series A $3.50M 2 BRM Capital
Gemini Israel Ventures


Number of Investments
Number of Lead Investments
Moovit has made 3 investments. Their most recent investment was on Oct 2, 2014, when Lever raised $10M.
Date Company Name
Round Money Raised Industry Lead Investor
Oct 2, 2014 Lever
Series A $10M CRM
Oct 16, 2013 Minted
Series C $41M Art
Nov 15, 2011 Minted
Series B $5.50M Art


Number of Lead Investors
Number of Investors
Moovit is funded by 16 investors. Intel Capital and Sequoia Capital are the most recent investors.
Investor Name Lead Investor Funding Round
Intel Capital Yes Series D
Sequoia Capital Yes Series B
BMW i Ventures Series D
BRM Capital Series D
Gemini Israel Ventures Series D
Hanaco Venture Capital Series D
LVL1 Group Series D
NGP Capital Series D
Rainfall Ventures Series D
Sequoia Capital Israel Series D

Employee Profiles

Number of Employee Profiles
Moovit has 21 current employee profiles, including Executive Yovav Meydad