As CEO of Tango, Eric is driving the company’s vision of helping people around the world feel closely connected to those they care about. Before becoming CEO, Eric held a number of roles at the company driving its revenue, its analytics, and its product, as Tango’s CTO. At the company inception, as its first key technologist, he leveraged his expertise in multimedia communication, peer-to-peer networks, and video compression to lead Tango’s release of the first cross-platorm mobile video calling service in the world.
Prior to founding Tango, Eric co-founded and served as CTO and VP of product of Dyyno, a video streaming and distribution company, and also worked as a research scientist at HP Labs. Eric is one of the world's leading experts in peer-to-peer video streaming and video compression and even wrote the first book on the subject, Peer-to-Peer Video Streaming, in 2007. Eric has contributed to more than 30 research papers in his field and holds six patents either granted or pending.
Eric holds a B.S. degree from Ecole Polytechnique, France, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University.