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Kyle Schneweis



As High Street’s CEO, Kyle Schneweis is responsible for overall management of the company. Kyle joined High Street after serving for more than five years as Director of the 2,100 person Nebraska Department of Transportation (NDOT). During his tenure at NDOT, Kyle spearheaded merging the former Departments of Roads and of Aeronautics to create a multimodal Department of Transportation. Other major efforts he led while at NDOT included streamlining the environmental review process to accelerate project delivery; developing performance measures and other analytical and operational tools that have improved the agency’s business and decision making; and managing through the most extensive natural disaster in the state’s history in the 2019 floods after which NDOT restored 200 miles of roadway and 27 bridges in just 11 months. Before becoming the Director of Nebraska Department of Transportation, Kyle held several leadership positions at the Kansas Department of Transportation, including as Chief of Government Affairs where he played a key role in passing the state’s $8 billion, 10-year T-WORKS infrastructure investment program.


Number of Current Jobs
Kyle Schneweis has 1 current jobs including CEO at Highstreet , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Highstreet CEO Detail