Советник Трампа Дэвид Сакс вложил $200 млн в криптовалютные инвестиции перед вступлением в должность

Ruud Albers



Ruud Albers founded NutriLeads in 2012 and acted as a consultant for international ingredient, food and pharma companies between 2012 and 2016.

Previously, he worked at Unilever from 1998. During his 14 years there he built and led the global expertise group on nutrition, immunity and gut health in various roles up to Global R&D Director of Bioscience, Nutrition & Health Discover Platforms. He initiated numerous (international) collaborations and is co-inventor of NL-01 (NutriLeads’ first active ingredient). From 2007 to 2012 he also chaired the ILSI-Europe taskforce on nutrition and immunity that published seminal papers on immunomodulation in humans.

Ruud obtained his PhD on immunomodulation at Utrecht University and studied intestinal metabolism at Rockefeller University in New York.


Number of Current Jobs
Ruud Albers has 2 current jobs including Co-founder and CSO at NutriLeads , Founder and CEO at NutriLeads and .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
NutriLeads Co-founder and CSO Jan 1, 2021 Detail
NutriLeads Founder and CEO Feb 1, 2012 Detail