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Toshendra Sharma



Toshendra founded [Tosh Innovations](https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/tosh-innovations) in 2017. Tosh Innovations is a Deeptech Certification company offering vendor-neutral deep tech certification in various technologies like Blockchain, AI, Machine Learning, IoT, Chatbot, Electrical Vehicle etc. The company offers the online certifications via Blockchain Council, Global Tech Council & Universal Business Council.

He earlier founded [Wegilant](http://www.crunchbase.com/organization/wegilant) in 2011 during his studies in Mtech CSE at IIT Bombay. Wegilant got incubation in SINE An IIT Bombay's business incubator in August 2013.

Before Wegilant Toshendra has also co-founded Robosapiens Technologies Pvt. Ltd. in 2008 which he exited successfully in June 2011 for his studies in IIT Bombay.


Number of Current Jobs
Toshendra Sharma has 2 current jobs including Founder and CEO at NFTically , Founder at Tosh Innovations and .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
NFTically Founder and CEO Apr 1, 2021 Detail
Tosh Innovations Founder Jan 1, 2016 Detail