Когда вычислительная мощность ИИ также начнет «делиться», кто станет лидером в этом новом соревновании?




Duanqu offers digital and mobile video services


Digital Media,Media and Entertainment,Mobile Apps,Software,Video Streaming
Founded date
Jun 1, 2009
Operating Status

Duanqu provides mobile video and digital media service. Its Qupai Cloud guides mobile video recording and processing that includes filter, animation, MV, and music synthesis.

Duanqu also offers mobile products and technical capabilities. It launched the Qupai mobile video product development platform in June 2015. Qupai Cloud's short video and live one-stop solutions aims to help developers save on research and development costs, improve development efficiency, and facilitate faster online transactions.

Duanqu now has more than 800 million users, and it serves thousands of companies such as Alipay, Nail, Youku, Meiyu, Beibei, Yuanyuan, Huya Live, Ma Honeycomb, Mary Kay, Baby Tree, and Ocean Terminal. Wang Qiangyu founded it in June 2009, with its headquarters in Hangzhou in China.