Когда вычислительная мощность ИИ также начнет «делиться», кто станет лидером в этом новом соревновании?

Andre Haddad



Investor Type
Investor Stage

Andre Haddad is CEO of Turo, the world's first and largest peer to peer car sharing marketplace. Turo connects people who own cars with people who need them.

Before Turo, Andre was CEO of Shopping.com (an eBay company), the global leader in on line comparison shopping. Previously, he was Senior Vice President, Product at eBay. In that role he oversaw product management, design and research for eBay's global marketplace business ($5.1 bn in revenue, $65 bn in trading volume, 200 million users in 2007).

Andre played several roles at eBay including GM in Europe, VP International Operations and VP User Experience and Design. Previous to eBay, Andre co-founded iBazar, a leading European auction marketplace which was acquired by eBay in 2001 for $140m.

Andre was the COO at iBazar, with responsibility over Product, Marketing, International and Customer Service. Before iBazar, Andre was a brand manager at P&G and a consultant at Booz Allen & Hamilton. He graduated from HEC Paris.


Number of Current Jobs
Andre Haddad has 1 current jobs including Advisor at Peerspace , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Peerspace Advisor Jan 1, 2014 Detail