GameStop «случайно» входит в игру? Сможет ли BTC удержать свои позиции?

Andrew Elliott



Andrew is a Mentor, Advisor, and Revenue Leader. From MVP to Scale, he excels in helping companies develop the people, programs, and process to drive net new ARR.

A mentor, contributor, and guest speaker at Alchemist Accelerator, a mentor at Bravado and Year Up, and principal of, Andrew has held numerous sales leadership and VPS roles. He has over 8 years of sales (1st and 2nd line) management and 15+ years of startup experience. Andrew’s been selling SaaS solutions for over 18 years and has helped companies scale from $0M -> $5M, $5M -> $20M, $20M -> $100M, and $100M+.


Number of Current Jobs
Andrew Elliott has 1 current jobs including Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) at People Data Labs , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
People Data Labs Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) Jan 1, 2020 Detail