Когда вычислительная мощность ИИ также начнет «делиться», кто станет лидером в этом новом соревновании?

Bing Xu



Mr. Xu Bing is the Co-founder of SenseTime who is passionate about building AI innovations for a better tomorrow. Before founding SenseTime, Bing was a PhD candidate conducting research on deep learning and computer vision at the Multimedia Lab of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, the first Chinese team to focus on deep learning and computer vision research.

Bing, together with several Co-founders from the same university lab, founded SenseTime in 2014 and cultivated it into the world’s leading AI company. Bing is a key executive of the company, primarily managing corporate development strategies and overseeing fundraising activities. Bing was named one of the most promising Innovators Under 35 in China by the MIT Technology Review and is featured on Forbes’ 30 Under 30 Asia List.

Bing holds two bachelor’s degrees in Information Engineering and in Mathematics from The Chinese University of Hong Kong.


Number of Current Jobs
Bing Xu has 2 current jobs including Co-founder at SenseTime , Board secretary at SenseTime and .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
SenseTime Co-founder Jan 1, 2014 Detail
SenseTime Board secretary Detail