Когда вычислительная мощность ИИ также начнет «делиться», кто станет лидером в этом новом соревновании?

Bryan Mason



Investor Type
Investor Stage

Bryan is the Chief Business Officer at VSCO, working to grow VSCO next lines of revenue. He's an entrepreneur, investor, and advisor - putting time and money into companies like About.me, Medium, Blue Bottle, Lumi, and Matilda. He started Typekit in 2009. Adobe bought it in 2011. While at Adobe, he managed business operations for the launch of Creative Cloud.

He was the Chief Operating Officer Adaptive Path, a user experience firm (acquired by Capital One). At Adaptive Path, they made the analytics tool Measure Map, which sold to Google.

He's worked with smart people in all kinds of settings, like the Salt Lake Olympics, The White House, Lincoln Center Theater, Blogger and Twitter.


Number of Current Jobs
Bryan Mason has 1 current jobs including CBO at VSCO , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
VSCO CBO Jan 1, 2019 Detail