GPS получил смертельный удар после своего краха: сможет ли новая политика Binance перестроить рынок?

David Akers



David is a twenty-year veteran autodidactic programmer with a history of quickly mastering emerging technologies before educational infrastructure exists to support it. This provides him with a wide range of technical proficiencies, a multi-faceted understanding of software development, and a history of contributing to the success of many startup companies.

Prior to joining SimplyVital Health David founded Cubic to research and develop smart contract primitives, composability, and contract amorphism within the context of the immutable Ethereum blockchain. At Cubic he developed and released Ice, an open-source secure ether vault, which can be implemented as part of a smart contract’s security and recovery protocol. He also researched implementation discrepancies between the most popular ethereum clients and began work on a cross-client javascript library to complement web3.js.


Number of Current Jobs
David Akers has 1 current jobs including Advanced Senior Blockchain Engineer at Tamarin Health , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Tamarin Health Advanced Senior Blockchain Engineer Detail