Руководство по выживанию в криптовалюте: от «слепого шаттла» до «меньшего количества ошибок»

David Buzby



David Buzby has been starting, building and investing in “impact” businesses for the last 27 years with an emphasis on renewable energy generation, energy storage/grid services, wastewater treatment and e-commerce. Together these activities have created over $3.5 billion of shareholder value. He currently sits on the Board of Cambrian Innovation, Leading Edge Crystal Technologies, Paragon Power and Stem, as well as being a member of the Investment Committee at the PRIME Coalition.

He has in the past been a founding investor and director of SunRun (NASD:RUN), SunEdison (NYSE: SUNE), Valueclick (NASD:VCLK), Brilliant Light Power, Bright Plain Renewable Energy, Prevalent Power, Resource Holdings and Best Internet.

David has an MBA from the Harvard Business School and a BA from Middlebury College.


Number of Current Jobs
David Buzby has 1 current jobs including Board Member at Stem , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Stem Board Member Apr 1, 2010 Detail