Когда вычислительная мощность ИИ также начнет «делиться», кто станет лидером в этом новом соревновании?

David Ongchoco



David Ongchoco is an avid storyteller and student entrepreneur at the University of Pennsylvania studying Cognitive Science. He runs an international nonprofit organization called YouthHack, which helps students learn more about startups, technology and entrepreneurship through startup challenges, code weekends and a variety of other programs. YouthHack has done programs and events in the US, Philippines, Hong Kong and Singapore. On the side, David enjoys blogging and writing about the stories of startups and entrepreneurs from all over the world. Over the past two years, David has interviewed over 100 entrepreneurs, featuring them on publications like the Huffington Post and Inc. Magazine, among others. David hopes to one day travel the world and start a YouthHack Global University.


Number of Current Jobs
David Ongchoco has 2 current jobs including Growth Lead at Rutter , Mentor at Alchemist Accelerator and .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Rutter Growth Lead Jan 1, 2022 Detail
Alchemist Accelerator Mentor Jan 1, 2020 Detail