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Douglas Weibel



Doug is currently a Director at Amazon working on strategic initiatives, and was previously a professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, visiting professor at Google[X], and visiting professor of physics at the University of Washington, Seattle. An expert in chemistry, biochemistry, and engineering, he has worked on a wide range of projects, including basic biology research, global health, agriculture, automation/robotics, and national security. He completed a Fulbright in Japan before his PhD in chemistry at Cornell and finished his training as an NIH postdoc fellow at Harvard. He has co-founded two companies: Agri was a startup company developing technology to improve dairy milk production and BluDiagnostics developed technology to track fertility-related hormones and revolutionize women's health. Recognized as a global expert in science, engineering, and technology, his contributions have garnered a wide range of attention, including an a DuPont professorship, Scialog Fellow, Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship in Chemistry, DARPA Young Faculty Award, Searle Scholar Award, and NIH Director's New Innovator Award. He has consulted widely for technology companies and the government in the molecular sciences, biological sciences, and engineering.


Number of Current Jobs
Douglas Weibel has 2 current jobs including Adjunct Professor at University of Wisconsin-Madison , Scientist/Engineer at Amazon and .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
University of Wisconsin-Madison Adjunct Professor Aug 1, 2018 Detail
Amazon Scientist/Engineer Aug 1, 2014 Detail