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Edward Dahl



Edward “Denny” Dahl is a Principal Research Scientist at D-Wave. Since joining the company Dr. Dahl has been involved in algorithm research, training, technical support for sales and communication functions within the company. He is a frequent speaker at public seminars and university events, with the ability to speak to a wide variety of audiences on otherwise complex subjects.

Dr. Dahl received his PhD in physics from Stanford University in 1985 after completing a thesis on Quantum MonteCarlo computational techniques. He took a postdoctoral researchposition at Lawrence Livermore National Labs in the ParallelProcessing Project and worked on simulation, analysis andapplications of neural networks. Following this, Dr. Dahl joined Thinking Machines Corporation and worked in their Technical Marketing Department. He obtained a patent for novel work in routing messages through the communication fabric of the CM-2, which was a massively parallel high performance computing platform. He also helped in providing technical support to a number of customers across a range of business verticals, including the petroleum and defense industries. Following Thinking Machines, Dr. Dahl participated in a range of start-up companies and developed expertise in high volume / high complexity RDBMS environments. He worked at a number of companies (eBay,Wells Fargo, JP Morgan Chase, Travelers Insurance, Western Asset Management, Williams Sonoma, Kroger, Walgreens, Teradata)providing architectural and development services related to batch and real-time data processing.


Number of Current Jobs
Edward Dahl has 1 current jobs including Principal Research Scientist at D-Wave Systems , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
D-Wave Systems Principal Research Scientist Detail