Битва Соланы: Pump.fun против Raydium

Hamid Rategh



Hamid is SVP Engineering at GenapSys, joining back in 2012. Hamid has had a successful career developing a wide range of products, from new NGS platform with automated cloud base analysis, to RFICs and adaptive equalizers for optical communication and Mixed-Signal Memory interface products. Prior to joining GenapSys, Hamid was Senior Director of Engineering at Inphi, who acquired his team and product from Scintera Networks. Hamid also cofounded and served as VP of Engineering of Tavanza which was later acquired by Celeritek in 2002 and subsequently by Anadigics in 2003.

Hamid holds a PhD in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University, and an MS in Biomedical Engineering from Case Western Reserve University. He earned his BS in Electrical Engineering from Sharif University of Technology.


Number of Current Jobs
Hamid Rategh has 1 current jobs including Senior Vice President Engineering at Genapsys , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Genapsys Senior Vice President Engineering Jan 1, 2012 Detail