James Haft

Investment Partner , Angel


Investor Type
Investment Partner,Angel
Investor Stage

James Haft is an Internet media entrepreneur and merchant banker with broad experience in all aspects of early stage business investing, fund raising, business strategy and M&A. As the founder and managing director of Pacific Alliance Limited, LLC, a digital economy merchant bank, he has significant global experience managing, investing in and advising companies involved in emerging technology, Internet, integrated media, on-line advertising, on-line metrics, telecom, emerging markets, real estate and venture capital verticals.

James is the Co-Founder of Condo.com, the largest on-line marketplace for the advertising, sale and rental of condominiums and its sister company, House.com; eSalon.com; and DavNet, Inc.

James serves as advisor to Twepto.com, Nestio.com, OnTrade.com, Resultics.com, Nextperience.net and BroadwayAsia.com.

Additionally, James is a mentor at TechStars, a leading Internet Start-Up Incubator in NYC that funds, mentors and launches 20 technology companies per year, and is currently working to establish an internet business incubator in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Previously, James was a Managing Director at Bear Stearns, Inc. where he was involved with over 75 domestic and cross border transactions between US, Asian and Latin American markets, including leading the first listing of a Chinese company on the New York Stock Exchange. James also served as the Managing Director of Latin American Equity Capital Markets for ING Barings, Inc. and Managing Director of Asian Investment Banking at Furman Selz, Inc.

James is a Founding Board Member of Urban Arts Partnernship, a leading not-for-profit organization providing arts education to inner-city public schools and the Founding Chairman of the Board of WeForest, a global a not-for-profit organization whose mission is the planting of 2 trillion trees to create sustainable ecosystems and to counter the effects of the deforestation of the earth on the global warming trends. James is a graduate of Vassar College and Emory University's Graduate Schools of Law and Business.


Number of Current Jobs
James Haft has 4 current jobs including Executive Chairman at DLTx , Advisor at Taringa! and Advisor at Idea.me .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
DLTx Executive Chairman Mar 1, 2021 Detail
Taringa! Advisor Aug 15, 2014 Detail
Idea.me Advisor Detail
Funnel Advisor Detail