Когда вычислительная мощность ИИ также начнет «делиться», кто станет лидером в этом новом соревновании?

Maciej Machulak



Dr. Maciej Machulak specializes in cyber security, data privacy and trust in the Cloud. He is the Global Technical Product Manager within the Secure Access team at HSBC. Previously, he served the role of the Senior Identity Architect at iWelcome – one of the fastest growing identity platforms in Europe. He was also the Chief Identity Architect at Synergetics and the founder and CEO of Cloud Identity Limited (acquired by Synergetics) which developed innovative identity and access management software. Maciej serves as the Vice-Chair of the User-Managed Access Work Group at Kantara Initiative and is one of the authors of the award-winning UMA protocol. In June 2015, Maciej has been awarded with prestigious MIT Innovators Under 35 award for his work on privacy and security of personal data.


Number of Current Jobs
Maciej Machulak has 1 current jobs including Global Head of Technology, Digital Identity at HSBC , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
HSBC Global Head of Technology, Digital Identity Oct 1, 2017 Detail