Когда вычислительная мощность ИИ также начнет «делиться», кто станет лидером в этом новом соревновании?

Martin Quensel



As Managing Director for Taulia, Martin Quensel oversees the company's activities in Europe. He has a special focus on projects and delivery with a footprint in product and development. As a co-founder of Taulia, Martin helped to develop the initial versions of Taulia's solution and assisted in making it market ready and SAP-certified.
Prior to joining Taulia, Martin served as chief technology officer at ReadSoft's Lab for Solutions where he launched ReadSoft's new solution, Process Director. Before that he served as board member and head of development at Ebydos. Martin has a proven track record of successful product innovations and developments in the SAP space, including product implementations and rollouts worldwide. Martin started his career as a developer for SAP Financials in 1997. Following this he was a software architect for solutions in SAP's eCommerce and eMarkets offerings, later included in the Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) solution of SAP.
In his spare time, Martin enjoys spending time with his two children, friends and family.


Number of Current Jobs
Martin Quensel has 3 current jobs including Managing Director at Centrifuge , COO & co-founder at Centrifuge and Co-Founder at Taulia .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Centrifuge Managing Director Feb 1, 2018 Detail
Centrifuge COO & co-founder Nov 1, 2017 Detail
Taulia Co-Founder Jan 1, 2010 Detail