Когда вычислительная мощность ИИ также начнет «делиться», кто станет лидером в этом новом соревновании?

Mellody Hobson



Investor Type
Investor Stage

Mellody Hobson is president of Ariel Investments. Headquartered in Chicago, the firm offers six no-load mutual funds for individual investors and defined contribution plans as well as separately managed accounts for institutions and high net worth individuals. As president, Mellody is responsible for firm-wide management and strategic planning, overseeing all operations outside of research and portfolio management. Additionally, she serves as chairman of the board of trustees for Ariel Investment Trust.

Beyond her work at Ariel, Mellody has become a nationally recognized voice on financial literacy and investor education. She is a regular contributor and analyst on finance, the markets and economic trends for CBS News. She also contributes weekly money tips on the Tom Joyner Morning Show and pens a regular column for Black Enterprise magazine. As a passionate advocate for investor education, she is a spokesperson for the Ariel/Hewitt Study: 401(k) Plans in Living Color and the Ariel Black Investor Survey, both of which examine investing patterns among minorities.

Mellody is chairman of the board for DreamWorks Animation SKG, Inc. as well as a director of The Estée Lauder Companies Inc. and Starbucks Corporation. Her community outreach includes serving as chairman of After School Matters, a non-profit that provides Chicago teens with high quality, out-of-school time programs. She is a board member of the Lucas Museum of Narrative Art, The Chicago Public Education Fund, and Sundance Institute, where she has been appointed emeritus trustee. She is also on the executive committee of the Investment Company Institute’s board of governors. Mellody earned her AB degree from Princeton’s Woodrow Wilson School of International Relations and Public Policy. She also received honorary doctorate degrees in humanities from both Howard University and St. Mary’s College.

Personal Investments

Number of Investments
Mellody Hobson has made 2 investments. Their most recent investment was on Sep 18, 2017, when Ellevest raised $34.60M.
Date Company Name Round Money Raised Industry
Sep 18, 2017 Ellevest Series A $34.60M Financial Services Detail
Sep 15, 2016 Ellevest Series B $9M Financial Services Detail


Number of Current Jobs
Mellody Hobson has 1 current jobs including Member of the Board of Directors at Starbucks , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Starbucks Member of the Board of Directors Feb 1, 2005 Detail