Руководство по выживанию в криптовалюте: от «слепого шаттла» до «меньшего количества ошибок»

Mutsuki Takano



Mutsuki Takano has been Chief Representative of the MGI Tokyo Branch since September 2015. He joined MGI Silicon Valley in late 2013 where he was in charge of biotech investment and corporate planning. He joined Mitsui & Co., Ltd. in 2004, has over 10 years experience in business development and corporate planning for various industries such as long-term package deals of newly built commercial ships, restructuring China growth strategy, and J/V business development in smart communities with the world’s largest engineering company in UK. Graduated from Waseda Univ in Japan(political science) and EMBA program of Sun Yat-sen Univ in China. CMA in Japan.


Number of Current Jobs
Mutsuki Takano has 1 current jobs including Board Director, CFO at Heartseed , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Heartseed Board Director, CFO Jan 1, 2020 Detail