Когда вычислительная мощность ИИ также начнет «делиться», кто станет лидером в этом новом соревновании?

Paul Lee

Investment Partner , Angel


Investor Type
Investment Partner,Angel
Investor Stage

Paul is currently CEO and Co-founder of 11 RONIIN, a venture studio.
Previously, Paul was a General Partner at Lightbank, a venture capital firm founded by Eric Lefkofsky and Brad Keywell.
Prior to his role at Lightbank, Paul was a Co-founder and Senior Vice President with NBC Universal's Peacock Equity Fund where he was primarily responsible for investing in the Gaming and mobile/wireless sectors.

Personal Investments

Number of Investments
Paul Lee has made 1 investments. Their most recent investment was on Oct 1, 2015, when Built In raised $1.12M.
Date Company Name Round Money Raised Industry
Oct 1, 2015 Built In Seed $1.12M Communities Detail