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Roger Solé



As Chief Marketing Officer, Roger Solé is responsible for all Sprint products and services, brand and advertising, customer acquisition and retention. Roger is a vital contributor to Sprint’s senior leadership team, charged with attracting new customers, retaining current ones and advancing the company’s push for greater innovation and revenue growth.

Since joining Sprint in the Spring of 2015, Roger has launched innovative programs, including the biggest wireless offer in U.S. history – 50% off most Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile rate plans; iPhone Forever, allowing yearly upgrades to the latest iconic devices; and Unlimited Freedom, which revolutionized mobile pricing in the U.S., bringing back unlimited data.


Number of Current Jobs
Roger Solé has 1 current jobs including Chief Marketing Officer at WeWork , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
WeWork Chief Marketing Officer Apr 1, 2020 Detail