Когда вычислительная мощность ИИ также начнет «делиться», кто станет лидером в этом новом соревновании?

Roman Arutyunov



Prior to Xage, Roman held Vice President of Product and Engineering roles at ABB, Tropos Networks, and Mimosa Networks solving networking, security, and data analytics challenges for industrial and commercial enterprises enabling millions of IoT devices in production today. Earlier in his career, Roman developed the first generation of Content Distribution Networks (CDN) and secure proxy servers at Blue Coat Systems (Symantec).

Roman holds a Bachelor’s in Applied Mathematics with an emphasis in Computer Science from the University of California, Berkeley and an MBA from Columbia University.


Number of Current Jobs
Roman Arutyunov has 1 current jobs including Co-Founder & VP Products at Xage Security , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Xage Security Co-Founder & VP Products Jan 1, 2017 Detail