Руководство по выживанию в криптовалюте: от «слепого шаттла» до «меньшего количества ошибок»

Scott Clark



Scott Clark joined Covington in March 2001 and has over 20 years of investment experience and a consistent track record of success. In 2009, Scott and Phil Reddon together acquired Covington Capital Corporation.

As Managing Partner, Scott is responsible for setting the Company’s long-term strategic growth objectives and overseeing the operations of Covington Capital and its Investment and Operations Teams. Scott is also actively involved in assessing new investment opportunities and providing guidance and strategic insight for a number of Covington’s portfolio holdings. Scott currently sits on the Board or functions as an observer on the Board of several Covington portfolio companies.

Prior to joining Covington, Scott had prior venture capital and private equity experience at Harrowston Inc., Working Ventures Canadian Fund Inc. and the Business Development Bank of Canada.

Scott holds an Honours Business Administration Degree from the Richard Ivey School of Business.


Number of Current Jobs
Scott Clark has 1 current jobs including Managing Partner at Covington Funds , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Covington Funds Managing Partner Detail