Когда вычислительная мощность ИИ также начнет «делиться», кто станет лидером в этом новом соревновании?

Tatsuo Tsutsumi

Investment Partner


Investor Type
Investment Partner

Tatsuo Tsutsumi joined GREE, Inc. in August 2011 and led the establishment of GREE Ventures, Inc. and the formation of its ¥20 billion fund. Prior to joining GREE, Tatsuo worked at Recruit Co., Ltd., where he directed new business development, overseeing the establishment and operation of a social media marketing subsidiary and developing business development strategies in areas such as e-commerce, digital content and ad technology. Tatsuo set up Recruit’s Silicon Valley-based venture capital firm Recruit Strategic Partners, Inc., spearheading efforts to form partnerships with U.S. firms, while also managing Recruit's ¥20 billion incubators, Recruit Incubation Partners Co., Ltd. Previously in his career, Tatsuo oversaw the establishment of CyberAgent’s Venture Capital arm, CA Capital, Ltd. (now CyberAgent Ventures, Inc.) raising a total of ¥50 billion through the two funds he managed for that business, which he led to profitability.


Number of Current Jobs
Tatsuo Tsutsumi has 1 current jobs including Outside Director at Candee , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Candee Outside Director Detail