Adam Vaziri



Adam Vaziri is the Co-founder & CEO of Blockpass. He previously worked at UK Digital Currency Association as a Co-Founder. Adam Vaziri attended the Université libre de Bruxellesy.


Number of Current Jobs
Adam Vaziri has 6 current jobs including Advisor To The Board at BnkToTheFuture , Advisor at Holdex and CEO and Co-Founder at QRC Group .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
BnkToTheFuture Advisor To The Board Dec 1, 2019 Detail
Holdex Advisor Sep 1, 2018 Detail
QRC Group CEO and Co-Founder Apr 1, 2017 Detail
tibit Regulatory Advisor Jan 1, 2014 Detail
Cubits Board Member & Legal Advisor Detail
Chain of Things Director Detail